Saturday, May 29, 2010

c++ - create personal library using template(linux platform)

/*create own personal library in c++, using gcc compiler in linux platform.
atfirst create a source file and a header file. then create a main file to
include header file. here tem.cpp is source file and tem.h is header
file. main.cpp is main tempalte is used instead of function definition. */
//template is a general case for functions for diff. datatypes as "int,float,double".
//note : - use '>' & '<' as ']' & '[' respectively.
template[class T]
T sum[T a,T b]
return a+b;


//compile source file tem.cpp as "gcc -c tem.cpp"
//object file tem.o is created.

using namespace std;
int main()
cout[["sum is "[[sum(3,5)[[endl;
cout[["sum is "[[sum(3.0,5.0)[[endl;
return 0;

//compile it as "g++ -Wall main.cpp tem.o
//run as "./a.out" result will be
//"sum is 8"
//"sum is 8.0"

c++ - create personal library(linux platform)

/*create own personal library in c++, using gcc compiler in linux platform.
atfirst create a source file and a header file. then create a main file to
include header file. here function.cpp is source file and function.h is header
file. main.cpp is main file. */
//note : - use '>' & '<' as ']' & '[' respectively.
int sum(int a,int b);

int sum(int a,int b)
return a+b;
//then compile source file function.cpp as gcc -c function.cpp
//it creates object file function.o

using namespace std;
int main()
cout[["sum is "[[sum(3,5)[[endl;
return 0;
//compile it as "g++ -Wall main.cpp function.o"
//and then run as "./a.out" the result "sum is 8".


Friday, May 28, 2010

my stuff - my fotos of vaishno devi & beyond.





check out me in these photos

java - simple calculator for add,sub in applet

/*first program in java, strating with basic applet program "" compile it in DOS prompt as"c:\java\jdk1.5\bin\javac" */
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class calculator extends Applet implements ActionListener
Label l1,l2,l3,l4;
TextField t1,t2;
Button b1,b2,b3,b4;

public void init()
b1=new Button("add");
b2=new Button("sub");
b3=new Button("mul");
b4=new Button("div");
l1=new Label("number1");
l2=new Label("number2");
l3=new Label("result");
l4=new Label(" ");
t1=new TextField(22);
t2=new TextField(22);



}//init() closed

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
String s1=t1.getText();
String s2=t2.getText();
int i=Integer.parseInt(s1);
int j=Integer.parseInt(s2);
String str=ae.getActionCommand();
else if(str.equals("sub"))
else if(str.equals("mul"))
else if(str.equals("div"))
}//actionPerformed() closed
public void paint(Graphics g)

//create a html file in which "calculator.class" is tagged named as "cal.html".
/*(html) (head)
(applet code="calculator.class" height=250 width=300)
(/applet) (/head)(/html) */
//note :- use '>' & '<' instead of ')' & '(' respectively.
//run applet as "appletviewer cal.html"